

  • In danger of extinctionIt’s unbelievable how people are willing to condemn themselves to a miserable life just to hold on to a small privilege. Someone I know in Spain was offered a great apartment. It was “illegally occupied”. So great price… as in Spain, remove someone that does not pay the rent or has entered illegally into your property is a task of many, many, many years, and many thousands of euros… and it’s not clear that you can get them out – yes… this is why I don’t rent long term in Spain, and will never...Read more
  • This real story is better than NetflixA guy. Like you and me. Let’s say that his name was John… which is actually his real name. John always dreamed of getting into real estate. You know. Put some money. Easy job. Get some money back. All fluid and without headaches. Well… Inspired by YouTube videos, gurus and "rags-to-riches" success stories in TikTok, he decided to renovate and flip an old duplex—all by himself. No contractors, no project manager… You know… to save some bucks. Pure determination, a hammer, and an overconfidence...Read more
  • No surprises... just a suggestionThere are fiascos in all sectors, but infrastructure which interests everyone as they are paid with your taxes is very prone. From the Spanish submarine that could only travel one way, down (as it couldn’t float) to the French train agency that bought 2.000 trains that were too wide and had to remodel hundreds of stations spending billions of euros to roads, ports, etc. It seems that we are addicted to spend. 99% of politicians mention how much they have spent. Very few, how much they have...Read more
  • Blood after yesterday's emailOnce upon a time, or yesterday, I wrote an email about a nameless country and some Italians in the list got upset. Then, in another country that loves the siesta and bureaucracy more than some workers in Bruxels, the government decided to build a PPP highway to “improve connectivity”. The private consortium that won the bid was thrilled! A massive project, long-term revenue, and a contract full of fine print that nobody would read… what could possibly go wrong? Well… everything. Step 1: Let’s...Read more
  • Don't forget to look at the exitOnce upon a time, in a European country, which shall remain nameless, but that’s known for great wine, fantastic cheese, too much pasta and good weather even if in Spain all that is better, decided to build a PPP highway connecting two major cities. The project went through the usual process, feasibility studies, tenders, and a long, complex financial close. Everything seemed on track. Tax payer money was spent, as usual, as if was nobody’s. The private consortium, excited about the project,...Read more
  • What you can learn from the devil fishI got this interesting story from Pobre Millenial, a newsletter you should subscribe to if you can read Spanish. If you don’t know the black devil fish, it’s an amazing creature. A few days ago, off the coast of Tenerife, one appeared on the water’s surface. This is really a rare sight. This fish lives in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, where pressure crushes and light is a myth. There, it survives thanks to extreme adaptation—the ability to endure the unbearable. But for some...Read more
  • If you think that this is impossible today, you’re...You’ve probably heard about a space ship hitting badly Venus or Mars, I don’t remember, because of miscalculations, right? Well, that’s everywhere. When you do your taxes, when you calculate your retirement or when you receive an inheritance. All are miscalculation errors. In construction, there are everywhere. In 1970, during the construction of the Kadena Air Base Bridge in Okinawa, Japan, engineers made a slight miscalculation. As usual… Two teams started building from opposite sides of...Read more
  • Innocent form of exaggeration“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion” Donal Trump – The art of the deal At the end of this week, I’ll double the...Read more
  • I know you won't do thisWhen you are with your radar on, even a short trip can bring you great ideas. You drive, everybody is sleeping, and you see business opportunities or business ideas. I can’t help it. Suddenly you see that there are people “operating” farms. I think that’s a great idea. I come from the countryside and I’m sick of seeing old people with no succession plan, and no buyers for their land. Great idea. Old and tired, too much work, very little gains, they can’t cope with technological changes, they...Read more
  • About the KingIf I say Elvis Presley, you probably picture a brightly lit stage, his unmistakable pompadour, and thousands of fans singing, "We can't go on together, with suspicious minds..." After all, Elvis was—and still is—a global icon. An artist who revolutionized music and amassed an ENORMOUS fortune. But what few people know is that after his death, his estate was on the verge of being lost—all because he didn’t plan his legacy properly. During his lifetime, Elvis was known for his extravagant...Read more
  • How to fly in simple stepsMeeting great people is the best exercise. It’s the best food to your brain. If they are business people, you could be flying. I could tell you about the successes of the people I’ve just spent a few hours with. About the transformations, the achievements, the fears overcome, the money, the beliefs that have changed, and the growth they’ve been experiencing over the past years. I could tell you about incredible testimonials, excitements, high and lows, numbers that would make jaws drop, and...Read more
  • Death can be hunting youEveryone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. This is what Robert Kiyosaki said… and it’s absolutely true. If you decide to become a rich person, the poor person inside of you has to die. If you want to become an entrepreneur, the employee inside of you has to die. If you want to become a thin and healthy person, the fat and lazy person inside of you has to die. If you want to become an investor, the risk averse person inside of you has to die. Killing a part of ourselves is not an...Read more
  • Comments after yesterday's emailAfter yesterday email, I receive a couple of complaints. I have three children, but I have a lot to do, but I… Excuses. Excuses and excuses. My answer is simple. Don’t focus on the negatives of your situation, focus on the solutions. Obvious. But so many forget about this simplicity. They get stressed by their situation, instead of excited about the solutions and the path forward. Don’t get stress. Don’t get a master of finding the right excuses. If you want to improve yourself, start now....Read more
  • When you know this, nothing will be the sameRobert Kiyosaki once said that every day is filled with defining moments. And that’s absolutely true. From the moment we wake up, we define ourselves when we decide to get up and exercise or sleep an extra half hour. We define ourselves when we call in sick even though we could go to work. We define ourselves when we choose our company to our family. We define ourselves when we watch television instead of reading a book on business or investing. We define ourselves when we turn our money over...Read more
  • A free person is a problemThe State wants you poor. No matter where you live. The USA, the UK or the EU or China. It’s not a flaw in the system. It is the system. Because a poor person doesn’t cause trouble. They don’t question. They don’t rebel. A poor person depends… They depend on subsidies, on paychecks, on the plan or law or decree they sell you as a solution, but, oh surprise, it never solves anything. They’ll tell you it’s for your own good. That Father State takes care of you. Protects you. And that ‘no one...Read more
  • What are your results?Next time someone tells you that making money isn't a matter of mindset, ask them how much they earn. The world changes with your results, not with your opinion, much less with your desires. I see out there many people following advice from people that have zero skin in the game. Accountants that tell you to do X, Y, Z, with your investments… but they don’t have any investments. Or accountants that tell you that you shouldn’t create a company and remain as a sole entrepreneur because it’s...Read more
  • Billions of dollars gone!Unless you live in a rabbit hole, you know what recently happened with OpenAI. Yes, the company that created the famous, beloved, and vilified ChatGPT. Well… a Chinese company unexpectedly emerged with its own AI, Deepseek, which has shaken up the market and the industry. It offers the equivalent of the most advanced ChatGPT model but it’s free—at least for now. And not only that, Deepseek made its code open-source, making it accessible to anyone who wants to use or improve it. You’ll be able...Read more
  • Last day – sorry I have to tell you thisToday is the last day for my mentoring package. Not sure when I will offer it again. I fill a few limited spots. I help. People grow. Some continue beyond the introduction you’ll see below. People want to win the lottery without playing. People want to lose wait without changing habits. People want a raise without raising the bar or changing companies. People want a new car, a great holiday, without increasing their revenues first. People want to grow, without investing. Time and money....Read more
  • Success is inevitable “Raise the bar on yourself. Never settle for doing “enough.” Today’s world is competitive and moves so quickly that you will have to raise your stamina level if you expect to remain in the competition or to even get into the competition to begin with” – D. Trump Yes, he is Donald Trump. People, especially in Europe, are still wondering how he won the elections. Others observed, enjoyed, eating popcorns despite the spoiler. Even if you don’t like him, the truth is that he is right. Doing just...Read more
  • How to get a pay raise without licking shoes If you have a boss. Or if you are a boss. You know what moves your ass, right? You know it perfectly. “No trouble”. That’s it. So sad, and so true. “Don’t bother me. Don’t put me in trouble. Over average results, but not too much, otherwise, I don’t know what objectives, bonuses, etc. discuss with you… My biggest fear? To be fired.” This is many bosses’ minds. You may like it or not, but that’s what we have. Specially in big corporations. Being fired is the main worried of most bosses,...Read more