
You are in, Protagonist, a “pasito” more into your own story

Now, a surprise and a little bit of background

You have probably heard me say (or read) something like “day you are out of the newsletter, email missed”… 

Well, that is not exact. 

As a welcoming package, I am going to send you the 7 top emails. Those that received more comments back with love or hate… and, of course, sales.

Yes, that’s right. The highest the feelings (good or bad), the highest the sale number of the day… Human nature is that “special” and, if this is a discovery to you, I hope that you start to use it in your job, venture or life from now on. Take it as the lesson of the day. 

So, during a week, you will be receiving two emails, instead of only one. 

Why this newsletter?

Because I am a gilipollas, aka, an idiot. 

Let me explain. 

First, I was a good boy that did what my parents, public servants, told me to do: study and work hard, go to the university-scam and then get a good job. 

This is what I did. And I did it so “jodidamente” (f*cking) well… 

Best of the best at college following by a top 10 useless-MBA to get chained to a job and pay a lot of taxes. The perfect dumb trapped in the rat race of the 6 and almost 7 figures salary, running and running faster to remain in the same place. 

Have you ever had that feeling?

Look… I even voted in the elections thinking that the politicians will solve our problems… somehow…  one day… 

In summary, I was an authentic gilipollas, the “doctor” in the CASHFLOW® Classic game. Note: If you do not know that game, by the way, go to Google and buy it. Just by doing so, reading until here would have been worthy to you, to me and humanity.

I continue… 

I started as a banker. It was for a short period of time, just before the crash of 2008. I learnt some dirty tricks… “cosillas”, little things, as we say in Spanish. Then, I moved to selling infrastructure projects to the guys that control all our money, and with that, our lives: private equity, pension funds… and the governments. La crème de la crème. In the middle, I tried some businesses and investments on the side and I failed miserably, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in the way (with some notable exceptions). More and more salary, more and more expenses… 

Where “mierdas” am I going? – I said. 

Everything changed to me on 1 August 2022, or I should say 9 months earlier.

Then, I took control of my life… 

Now, I want to do something to help other Protagonists like you to take action, and get into the race of financial freedom, the only true freedom. And, of course, I would love to continue to make money in the way. 

So, the full answer is: because I am a gilipollas that does not want to continue to be such a big gilipollas anymore. 

See you in the next email, brave Protagonist. 

PD: If you like it, tell your friends… they will thank you, for sure, one day.